Trade Show Exhibit with Gilbertdisplays
Jumat, 30 Januari 2009 |
A trade show is a golden opportunity to every company for introducing their new product/s to community and to build good relationship and become closer with customers. For company, it is not an easy thing to do because it will need a really carefully preparation and choosing the right strategy to do. So the goals of the trade show can be reached. Before you hold a trade show exhibit, some things that might be your consideration are looking for the right place till choosing accessories that can attract visitors for visiting your stall. Doing some research for innovative and effective techniques to attract attention people are a must. My friend told me to try some service from www.gilbertdisplays.com a great site which offers excellent quality trade show exhibits. The products from gilbert displays were an instant hit and were significant in luring customers to our stall in the trade fair. The site offers a lot of opportunities and exposes you to various innovative ideas and methods of adding beauty to your office and also to improve your customer attractions in times of exhibitions and trade fairs. Since these are very important events where customer attraction is an important factor, the creative and effective exhibits from gilbert displays are very instrumental in serving their purposes.Label: review |
posted by Gusna @ Jumat, Januari 30, 2009 |
Detik-Detik Terakhir
Busby SEO Test sekarang ini benar-benar memasuki detik-detik terakhir. Gimana tidak, dalam waktu kurang dari 2 hari kontes SEO dunia ini akan berakhir. sudahkah anda memberikan dukungan kepada para peserta dari Indonesia? Sepertinya, para peserta udah semakin kena serangan imsonia akut deh..mungkin udah kronis malah. Segala daya dan upaya yang udah dilakukan oleh para SEO-ers ini harus diacungi jempol, klo tidak karena perjuangan dan kerja keras mereka selama beberapa bulan ini tidak mungkin posisi 10 besar selalu didominasi oleh peserta dari Indonesia. Semoga aja kecurangan-kecurangan seperti yang sempat terjadi diajang kontes seo dunia yang lalu tidak dilakukan lagi. Dan semoga juga para master yang ikut Busby SEO Test ini dapat menangkal jika tiba-tiba terjadi hal yang tidak diinginkan. Mari kita bersatu padu untuk memberikan dukungan kepada para peserta. Saya tidak peduli siapa yang akan jadi juara nantinya, yang penting Indonesia mampu menjadi juara di ajang Busby SEO Test.Label: back link |
posted by Gusna @ Jumat, Januari 30, 2009 |
Share Your Stuff to Worldwide via Acobay
Kamis, 29 Januari 2009 |
I am a kind person, I love to share everything with other people. As a newbie on internet, I am very surprised when I knew there are a acobay.com - a brand new and unique social network site. At this site we could share our stuff and get connected with other people all around the world. What a wonderful blend, you can share your stuff and also you can get review and suggestion that given by another for their stuff. I just joined this site a moment ago, I wonder there are lot of people give their sharing here although this site is still at beta release. This site provides us the information to buy the product we want and comments about the product. It helps us to be in network with the person, who using the same product or visiting the same place. Or in another word, you can interact with people of the same interest and get personalized recommendation. I love reading very much and very pleasant to know what people thinking about book that I want to buy since long time. I looking for novel Angel and Demons written by Dawn Brown (my favorite author), at this site I read many people reviews about this book. You can read many people review about their stuff at STUFF MAP. If you like to socialize and sharing with another why don’t you try to join this site now?Label: review |
posted by Gusna @ Kamis, Januari 29, 2009 |
Kontes Dimana-Mana
Jumat, 16 Januari 2009 |
Kompetisi Website Kompas MuDA IM3 adalah salah satu kompetisi blog yang tinggal beberapa hari lagi ditutup pendaftarannya. Sepertinya suasana panas dalam ajang Busby SEO Test juga udah mulai menyebar ke dalam ajang yang diadakan oleh kompas yang bekerja sama dengan Im3 ini. bagaimana tidak, setiap peserta lomba selain membuat artikel dengan tema "Jadilah Sahabat Bumi" di blognya masing-masing juga ditutut untuk meraih posisi terbaik di halaman depan om Google. Selain itu masih ada kontes lagi yang berhadiah handphone, flashdisk, juga hosting gratis yang diadakan dalam rangka mencari dukungan dan teman di ajang Busby SEO Test, untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan liat info lengkapnya disini. Kayaknya suasana akhir tahun dan tahun baru masih menjadi moment untuk mengadakan kontes oleh para blogger. Sayangnya saya belum sempat mengikuti semuanya :( karena masih ujian akhir semester nie... SEmoga aja disaat ujian ini berakhir masih belum terlambat untuk ikutan kontes-kontes tersebut. Siapa tau saya bisa menang :D Jadi klo ada yang belum tau, silahkan aja langsung ke TKPLabel: blog, Sekilas info |
posted by Gusna @ Jumat, Januari 16, 2009 |
A Technology For Old Age
Minggu, 11 Januari 2009 |
My mother acclimated to be an actual able and alive woman. She as well admired to reside by herself and didn't like to have, as she said "anybody around". But when she reached seventy is clear that life herself is not so safe anymore. Nevertheless she, as stubborn as just eighty years old can be, insisted on living by herself. She eventually agreed (just to amuse me...) to yield advantage of some modern Medical Alarm. Nowadays they are better than what they used to be. It is not just a button to press and alarm for help. They accept something which goes beneath the name of panic button which has a kind of fall detector. The System can sense the accident of somebody falling and calls for help without the need for the injured person to press the button. This is very important, because old people fall without realizing they do and may be are not able to do anything afterwards. But there are also other gadget that’s called GPS tracking bracelet which can be very helpful in the worst situation for people with Alzheimer, or just old people who fear to get lost. Having a Medical Alarm is like having someone with you day and night, after in fact having anyone! This medical alarm and its 24 hours central monitoring system will be there to help you. |
posted by Gusna @ Minggu, Januari 11, 2009 |